“But they bear the burden of being unpopular as proof of their importance - and these eminences turn the suspicion that less elevated customers are careful to disguise as courtesy into naked contempt and disdain. All the people one doesn't need right now are - for the person who will need them in a year's time - no more than air which he breathes but doesn't need to see.”
“Because I need you more right now than I need to breathe.”
“Believe in human beings - not all are good, but deep down all can be. But that doesn't mean you need to hang around crappy people and try to turn them around.”
“Do not ask the name of the person who asks you for a bed for a night. He whose name is a burden to him needs shelter more than any one.”
“God doesn't punish people who take their lives. They need him more than anyone else. - General George Patton”
“A person who discreetly farts in an elevator is not a divine being, and a man needs to know this.”