“Pope John Paul II was always a teacher. He taught us many things: how to pray, how to have patience, how to be loving. And I realized something about his last moments… that he was teaching us all how to die.”
“It's also important to read the newspaper every day to see how the pope is doing. Here in Rome, the pope's health is recorded daily in the newspaper, very much like weather, or the TV schedule. Today the pope is tired. Yesterday, the pope was less tired than he is today. Tomorrow, we expect that the pope will not be so tired as he was today.”
“Someone needs to give the Pope thirteen babies. Just for a week or so. See how he likes no birth control then.”
“The seeker has no beliefs, he is open and trusts his feelings. His religion is life, his God is life, he makes no divisions of nations as he sees the world is one and we are all human beings. Life itself reveals how to live and he trusts life.”
“I have as much authority as the Pope. I just don’t have as many people who believe it.”