“•Silence is one of the hardest arguments to dispute•Love is never die, but be careful, it can kill you!”
“One salutary development in recent ethical theorizing is the widespread recognition that no short argument will serve to eliminate any of the major metaethical positions. Such theories have to weave together views in semantics, epistemology, moral psychology and metaphysics. The comprehensive, holistic character of much recent theorizing suggests the futility of fastening on just a single sort of argument to refute a developed version of realism or antirealism. No one any longer thinks that ethical naturalism can be undermined in a single stroke by the open question argument, or that appeal to the descriptive semantics of moral discourse is sufficient to refute noncognitivism.”
“It was useless to argue, she thought, and to wonder about people who would neither refute an argument nor accept it.”
“One cannot refute Christianity; one cannot refute a disease of the eye.”
“The hardest blessing you give up is silence.”