“Also, tonight he reeks too much of beer and cloying cologne. This is a disappointment because I always assumed that a perfect creature such as Brendon would smell of spring rain and mountain bresses and other heavenly aromas.”
“I crossed my arms over my chest. Jeez, it was cold in here all of a sudden. And had he always smelled this good? Was it a cologne? Eau de Christmas Pie?”
“I want to create a cologne that smells like a whisper. It’ll be for all the secret admirers out there.”
“Yet he could not enjoy the walk. In the morning especially a bougainvillaea looks handmade, lawns are always lawns, and it is true indeed that dogs smell fear. Cats don't say.”
“We're close. I can smell their faint scent," Blake whispered.Kieran snorted. "That makes one of us. All I smell is dog shit.”