“Don't go!" Rycca said urgently. "It's a trap."Her husband looked down at her with amusement. "Of course it's a trap, sweetling.There are a dozen men out there.They assume they've got us neatly caught.""You could be killed before anyone got near enough to stop them."He shook his head. "I'm not going to be killed.But I am going to get Wolscroft to talk.It's the only way." He turned toward the door,turned back,and said, "Do not, under any circumstances, even think about so much as poking a finger outside.Do you understand?"Every obedient,Rycca nodded.Again he turned to go,again he looked back. "Let me rephrase that.Do you promise me you won't come outside until I tell you to?"Her reponse was a glare but she followed it with a nod.If nothing else,this husband of hers was learning caution,which was all the good since he surely had need of it.”

Josie Litton

Josie Litton - “Don't go!" Rycca said urgently. "It's a...” 1

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