“For once in her life, the thought of being on the back of a magnificent horse did not command Rycca's attention. She was far too busy looking at her magnicifent husband as he removed his sword belt and blithely shucked off his trousers. Naked, he walked straight into the pool, submerged completely, and came up a few minutes later, tossing streams of water from the thick mane of his hair."Hand me the soap,would you?"Such a simple task, yet to fulfill it he would have to come closer.Or she would."That's a lovely gown," he said, smiling."All my gowns are lovely thanks to the Lady Krysta and your own generosity.""It would be a shame to get it wet."She looked at him in alarm, wondering if he would actually do such a thing. His answer was a look of pure innocence, which immediately confirmed her suspicions."Do you have any idea how any women must have labored so long to make this gown?""No,do you?""Well,no,not actually because I never had a gown like this before, but even so, surely you wouldn't do anything to damage it?""Just to be safe,why don't you take it off?"Oh,yes,that would certainly be safe. Indeed,never was she any safer than when was she naked and in his arms. Except, of course, from the danger of her own emotions."I bathed when I awoke.""The day is warm.""The pool looks deep.Recall, I cannot swim.""Recall I mean to teach you.”

Josie Litton

Josie Litton - “For once in her life, the thought of...” 1

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