“It was as she remembered, a haven of comfort and serenity. With a glad sigh, she kicked off her shoes and sat down on the side of the bed.Smiling, she patted the mattress beside her.Her husband scowled. It seemed to have become his habit. "We aren't here to relax.""Wolscroft may not even be in the area. It could take days for this to be settled.""He's here," Dragon said with certainty. "He will know what happened at Winchester, and he will be looking for a way to stop us before we can threaten him further."Privately, Rycca believed the same but she saw no reason to stress it. Nothing would happen until dark. Of that she was confident. Which meant..."We have hours to fill.Any ideas?"When he realized her meaning,he looked startled. With a laugh,she scrambled off the bed and went to him."Oh,Dragon,for heaven's sake, do you really want to mope around here all day? I certainly don't. I still haven't gotten over being afraid Magnus was going to kill you,and I simply don't want to think about death anymore. I want to celebrate life.""There are three hundred men out there-""Which is why we're in here." She raised herself on tiptoe, bit the lobe of his ear, and whispered, "I promise not to yell too loudly."A shudder ran through him. Even as his big hands stroked her back,he said, "Warriors don't mope.""No,of course they don't.It was a poor choice of words.But you'll be pacing back and forth, looking out the windows, or you'll go get that whetstone I noticed in the stable and sharpen your sword endlessly, or you'll be staring off into space with that dangerous look you get when you're contemplating mayhem. You'll be totally oblivious to me and-"He laughed despite himself and drew her closer. "Enough! Heaven forbid I behave so churlishly.""Speaking of heaven..."With the covers kicked back,the bed was smooth and cool.They undressed each other slowly, relishing the wonder of discovery that still came to them fresh and pure as their very first time."Remember?" Rycca murmured as she trailed her lips along his broad, powerfully muscled shoulder and down the solid wall of his chest. "I was so nervous...""Really?" Fooled me....Ah...""I'd never seen anything so beautiful as you.""Not...beautiful...you are...""I can't believe how strong you are. Why am I never afraid with you?""Know I'd die 'fore hurting you? Sweetheart...""Ohhh! Dragon...please..."His hands and lips moved over her, sweetly tormenting. She clutched his shoulders, her hips rising, and welcomed him deep within her. Still he tantalized her, making her writhe and laughing when she squeezed him hard with her powerful inner muscles. But the laughter turned quickly to a moan of delight.She looked up into his perfectly formed face,more handsome than any man had a right to be, and into his tawny eyes that were the windows of a soul more beautiful than any physical form. A piercing sense of blessedness filled her that she should be so fortunate as to love and be loved by such a man.Her cresting cry was caught by him, hismouth hard against hers, the spur to his own completion that went on and on,seemingly without end.”

Josie Litton

Josie Litton - “It was as she remembered, a haven of...” 1

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