“She poked him lightly with her elbow. "You aren't asleep, are you?"Without opening his eyes, Hawk sighed. "Why is it women always want to talk?"She poked him harder. "Women?"He opened one eye, cautiously. "Did I say that? I mean woman, of course, just one very singular, very adorable, occasionally maddening woman.""Is Dragon very upset?""Men don't get upset. We get angry, enraged, irritated, bewildered, amused, and, very rarely, flummoxed, but never upset.""Which is he?"Hawk hesitated. He stopped pretending to sleep and gathered his wife closer. When her head was back down on his chest where it rightly belonged, he said, "I think he's hurt.""I was afraid of that.She's very beautiful.”

Josie Litton

Josie Litton - “She poked him lightly with her elbow...” 1

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