“Speaking of full of dirt, I am hardly fit company but in the spirit of wifely tolerance I wonder if you will accompany me to a pool a little ways from here."He meant to bathe. The memory of him emerging from the sauna at the lodge flashed through her mind. Her mouth was suddenly dry. "I thought Vikings liked to boil themselves first.""Ordinarily I would agree with you, but if I get into a sauna now, I will fall asleep.""You are tired from your exertions on the trailing field?"The look he trailed over her was purely male and so evocative as to warm her clear through. "I am tried from my exertions in our bed,lady,as I suspect you well know.""That is a relief!"He looked at her in surprise, prompting a red face and a quick explanation. "I meant that I could not help but think of you toiling as usual while I slept half the day away and felt myself shamed for such sloth.""Oh,well, if it's any consolation to you, I fell asleep under a tree, to the great hilarity of my men, who are not likely to let me forget it anytime soon."She laughed,tension coiling, and without hesitation she held out her hand to him.”

Josie Litton

Josie Litton - “Speaking of full of dirt, I am hardly...” 1

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