“You might say that the very best that can happen is to have energetic opponents.”
“the very best that can happen is to have energetic opponents. The more extreme they become, the more powerful the reaction they will have to face.”
“Worst that can happen is Hagrid’ll have to get rid of the skrewts. Sorry ... did I say worst? I meant best.”
“Having faith in God did not mean sitting back and doing nothing. It meant believing you would find success if you did your best honestly and energetically.”
“Half of this story is true and the other half might very well have happened.”
“In the vocabulary of certain radical theorists contradictions are given the status of some deadly disease to which their opponents alone can succumb. But contradictions are the very stuff of life. If there had been a little dash of contradiction among the Gadarene swine some of them might have been saved from drowning.”