“It's a great thing when a man knows how to dance, she said. When a man can dance, the world is his oyster."Adele, Henry's Mother”
“If a man doesn't know how to dance he doesn't know how to make love, there I said it!”
“They glanced over at Catherine, who was dancing with Billy, as only fathers and daughters can dance. No matter how old the daughter may be, the father is dancing, in joy unparalleled, with his child when she was little.”
“No man can know his deliverer, nor yet the thief of his soul. Their faces are covered; they swirl in the mob at the masquerade ball. Wine flows, and dance follows dance, and we are never certain of their names until that Midnight when all masks are removed”
“No man can know his deliverer, nor yet the thief of his soul. Their faces are covered; they swirl in the mob at the masquerade ball. Wine flows, and dance follows dance, and we are never certain of their names until that Midnight when all masks are removed”
“I don’t know how to dance!” she said. His arms tightened around her when she tried to pull away. “Then just let me hold you.”