“Abruptly, she yanked the covers over her crippled one, hiding it from him. Tohr marched right back over to her, and resolutely pulled the duvet back where it had been. Tracing the badly healed wounds with his fingertips, he met her squarely in the eye."You're beautiful. Every inch of you. Don't think for a moment there's anything wrong with you. We clear?""But-""Nope. I'm not hearing that." Bending down he pressed his lips to her shin, her calf, her ankle, tracing the scars, caressing them. "Beautiful. All of you.""How can you say that," she whispered blinking back tears."Because it's the truth."Straightening, he gave her a final squeeze. "No hiding from me, okay. And after I feed you, I think I'm going to have to show you just how serious I am."That made her smile....then laugh a little."That's my girl." he murmured.”

J.R. Ward

J.R. Ward - “Abruptly, she yanked the covers over her...” 1

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