“V?" Butch said. "Don't leave, okay?""Never." V brushed Butch's hair back with a gesture so tender it was out of place coming from a male.”
“That's you," Wrath said. You shall be called the Black Dagger warrior Dhestroyer, descended of Wrath son of Wrath.""But you'll always be Butch to us," Rhage cut in. "As well as hard-ass. Smart-ass. Royal pain in the ass. You know, whatever the situation calls for. I think as long as there's an ASS in there, it'll be accurate.""How about bASStard?" Z suggested."Nice. I feel that.”
“You're the pain in the ass.-Ian Fitzgerald”
“Use me. You've done so much for us-" Marissa said."Not.....for you." V said. "He's alive because of you. So that's everything."V shook his head and turned away from the wrist. "Can't.""I need you. I'm sick from what I do. I need you." Butch whispered.Vishous fixated on Butch. "Only for...you... not me.""For both of us""All of us," Marissa interjtected.V took a deep breth and bit into the wrist.”
“Thanks for putting me up for it ... trahyner." As V's eyes flared, Butch said, "Yeah, I looked up what the word meant. 'Beloved Friend' fits you perfect as far as I'm concerned."V Flushed. Cleared his throat. "Good Deal, cop. Good... deal.”