“No one knows as well as I how much nonsense is printed in books.”
“He that desires to print a book, should much more desire, to be a book.”
“I am no fan of books. And chances are, if you're reading this, you and I share a healthy skepticism about the printed word. Well, I want you to know that this is the first book I've ever written, and I hope it's the first book you've ever read. Don't make a habit of it.”
“My book is awful,” I said. “Nonsense,” Dora J. Arod said. “Your book is nonsense.”
“A strong and bitter book-sickness floods one's soul. How ignominious to be strapped to this ponderous mass of paper, print, and dead men's sentiments! ”
“Not matter what your sacred or religious book is, it's not how well you know the book, it's how well you're in alignment with the author.”