“But then you begin to understand that the reward of merit is not life’s business.”
“Later on in life, you expect a bit of rest, don't you? You think you deserve it. I did, anyway. But then you begin to understand that the reward of merit is not life's business.”
“The world more often rewards outward signs of merit than merit itself.”
“Life’s a teacher. A mind is the highway. Learning is the reward.” With these words echoing in my mind, I decided it was time to begin sharing plans with my friends, family, and you rather than to dream or plan them alone.”
“Why should we expect age to mellow us? If it isn't life's business to reward merit, why should it be life's business to give us warm, comfortable feelings towards its end? What possible evolutionary purpose could nostalgia serve?”
“Though why should we expect age to mellow us? If it isn't life's business to reward merit, why should it be life's business to give us warm comfortable feelings towards its end? What possible evolutionary purpose could nostalgia serve?”