“The story of a woman who was scared of the dark and a man who was scared of love, who’d come together to overcome all their fears…”
“I seek a woman, the woman of my desires. Who won’t be scared by loyalty and truth, nor turn away from the darkness of a soiled past. – Decades”
“Somewhere, deep down him, he was scared, he was born scared. And those who are born with fear are natural slaves, whose profund instint leads to dread, with poisonous fear, all of those who suddenly can possibly cut loose the slave colar around their necks.”
“You don't scare a man who sees people as cockroaches.”
“I'm not scared of the dark... I'm scared of the things that live in the dark.”
“To be honest, I think love is complete bullshit. I don't think anyone ever loves anyone. I think the best people ever get is horny; horny and scared, so when they find someone who makes them horny, and they get too scared of the world outside, they stay together and they call it love.”