“Can we get on with this?" Father Laggan cried out. "In the name of the Father…""I'm inviting my aunt Millicent and uncle Herbert to come for a visit, Iain, and I'm not going through the council to get permission first.""… and of the Son," the priest continued in a much louder voice."She'll be wanting King John next," Duncan predicted."We can't allow that, lass," Owen muttered."Please join hands now and concentrate on this ceremony," Father Laggan shouted, trying to gain everyone's attention."I don't want King John to come here," Judith argued. She turned to frown at Owen for making such a shameful suggestion. "I want my aunt and uncle. I'm getting them, too." She turned and had to peek around Graham in order to look up at Iain. "Yes or no, Iain.""We'll see. Graham, I'm marrying Judith, not you. Let go of her hand. Judith, move over here."Father Laggan gave up trying to maintain order. He continued on with the ceremony. Iain was paying some attention. He immediately agreed to take Judith for his wife.She wasn't as cooperative. He felt a little sorry for the sweet woman. She looked thoroughlyconfused."Judith, do you take Iain for your husband?"She looked up at Iain before giving her answer. "We'll see.""That won't do, lass. You've got to say I do," he advised."Do I?"Iain smiled. "Your aunt and uncle will be welcomed here."She smiled back.....Judith tried not to laugh. She turned her attention back to Father Laggan. "I will say I do,"she told him. "Shouldn't we begin now?""The lass has trouble following along," Vincent remarked.Father Laggan gave the final blessing while Judith argued with the elder about his rude comment. Her concentration was just fine, she told him quite vehemently.She nagged an apology out of Vincent before giving the priest her attention again. "Patrick, would you go and get Frances Catherine? I would like her to stand by my side during the ceremony.""You may kiss the bride," Father Laggan announced.”
“You might have started out with a clever plan in mind, but you fell in love with her somewhere along the way, didn't you?"Iain refused to answer him. Douglas wouldn't let it go. "Do you love Judith?"Iain let out a sigh. Judith's brother was turning out to be one hell of a nuisance. "Do you honestly believe I would marry a Maclean if I didn't love her?"Laird Maclean let out a snort of laughter. "Welcome to the family, son.”
“Iain's gaze went back and forth between Gillian and Brodick. "Father Laggan's back," he remarked."And there's another, younger priest named Stevens with him.""Why are you telling me this?" Brodick asked."I just wanted you to know there are two priests available," Iain explained with a meaningful glance atGillian.”
“Papa, do you like my new friend?" Frances Catherine asked when they were halfway across the field."I surely do.""Can I keep her?""For the love of...No, you can't keep her. She isn't a puppy. You can be her friend, though," he hastily added before his daughter could argue with him."Forever, papa?"She 'd asked her father that question, but Judith answered her. "Forever," she shyly whispered.Frances Catherine reached across her father's chest to take hold of Judith's hand. "Forever," she pledged.”
“I'll see she gets them," Brodick said.Judith shook her head. "I want to meet her," she explained. She stood up and walked over to the table. "I have messages to give her from her mother.""I'll be happy to show you the way," Alex volunteered."I'll do it," Gowrie announced in a much firmer voice.Brodick shook his head. "Isabelle is my sister-in-law," he snapped. "I'll show Judith the way."Iain had opened the door, and stood there listening to the argument. He was having difficulty believing what he was hearing… and seeing. His warriors were acting like lovesick squires while they argued over who would escort Judith.”
“Judith took a deep breath. "Aye, you captured Iain's wife," she said again. "But he married your daughter.”