“Children," Johanna drawled out. "They're such a joy. When you get married and have a family of your own, you'll understand what I'm saying. You are going to get married someday, aren't you, Keith?""Aye, m'lady," he answered. "Next summer as a matter of fact. Bridgid MacCoy has agreed to become my wife.""Oh."She couldn't quite hide her disappointment. She turned her gaze down the table and settled on Michael as a possibility.He caught her staring at him. He smiled. She nodded. "Children," she began again. "They're wonderful, aren't they, Michael?""If you say so, m'lady.""Oh, I do say," she replied. "When you get married, you'll understand. You do plan to marry someday, don't you, Michael?""Eventually," he answered with a shrug."Have you anyone in mind?""Are you matchmaking, m'lady?" Keith asked."Why would you think that?""I'll marry Helen when I'm ready," Michael interjected. "I've told her I will, and she agreed to wait."Johanna frowned. The possibilities were becoming a bit limited. She turned to Niall."Children…" she began."She is matchmaking," Keith announced.It was as though he'd just shouted the alarm that they were under siege. The soldiers literally jumped from their stools. They bowed to Johanna and left the room in the space of a single minute. She didn't even have enough time to order them back into their seats.”

Julie Garwood

Julie Garwood - “Children," Johanna drawled out...” 1

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