“She still hadn't caught on. Alec sighed. "Change your gown, Jamie, if that's your inclination. I prefer white. Now go and do my bidding. The hour grows late and we must be on our way."He'd deliberately lengthened his speech, giving her time to react to his announcement. He thought he was being most considerate.She thought he was demented.Jamie was, at first, too stunned to do more than stare in horror at the warlord. When she finally gained her voice, she shouted, "It will be a frigid day in heaven before I marry you, milord, a frigid day indeed.""You've just described the Highlands in winter, lass. And you will marry me.""Never."Exactly one hour later, Lady Jamison was wed to Alec Kincaid.”

Julie Garwood

Julie Garwood - “She still hadn't caught on. Alec...” 1

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