“She'd been told time and again that it was rude stare, but she didn't obey her mother's rule now. The giant mesmerized her and she wanted to remember everything she could about him.He must have felt her staring at him, though because he suddenly turned and looked directly her.Brenna decided to make her papa proud of her and behave like a proper young lady. She grabbed a fistful of her skirt, hiked it up to her knees, and bent down to curtsy. She promptly lost her balance and almost hit her head against the floor, but she was quick enough to lean back so she could land on herbottom.She stood back up, remembered to let go of her skirts, and peeked up at the stranger to see what he thought about her newly acquired skill.The giant smiled at her.As soon as he looked away, she squeezed herself up against Rachel's backside again."I'm going to marry him," she whispered.”

Julie Garwood

Julie Garwood - “She'd been told time and again that it...” 1

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