“one gud thing abut music if hits u fell no pain :p <3”
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”
“LoVe!!IS liKe A dEep hOle....If U fElL iN thEres nO WaYoUt!!!!!!<3”
“It had to be U. U. was the only town I could still bear, the one spot in the atlas I'd already absorbed head-on. When you take too many of your critical hits in one place, that place can no longer hurt you.”
“I can't imagine pain greater than stepping across the veil and realizing I had not done what I came here to do - or realizing that I had given up my life to little or nothing, only then to find that it was gone. p 3”
“There are only three things that America will be remembered for 2000 years from now when they study this civilization: The Constitution, Jazz music, and Baseball. These are the 3 most beautiful things this culture's ever created.”