“Four days after his own funeral, Albert Wilkes came home for Tea.”
“No tea for you. How could you do that to John? I got home from the beach at four this morning, and he shows up at eight, distraught, fully armed, waving his nightstick!”
“They say every dog has its day, Ganapathi, but for this terrier twilight came before tea-time.”
“It was a bad day when three or four men were not standing around the forge, listening to Samuel's hammer and his talk. They called him a comical genius and carried his stories carefully home, and they wondered at how the stories spilled out on the way, for they never sounded the same repeated in their own kitchens.”
“And whoever walks a furlong without sympathy walks to his own funeral drest in his shroud.”
“There was just no good way for a dead son to greet his mother almost two weeks after his funeral.”