“500 years ago Man "knew" the Earth was the center of the Universe. 500 years ago Man "knew" the Earth was flat. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.”
“A thousand years ago, everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, they knew the Earth was flat. Fifteen minutes ago, you knew we humans were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.”
“Not since Attila the Hun swept across Europe leaving 500 years of total blackness has there been a man like Lee Marvin.”
“Merlyn has guns from 500 years in the future!!!”
“Sixty years ago I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”
“Then to give the kids a historical perspective, Chacko told them about the earth woman. He made them imagine that the earth - 4600 million years old - was a 46 year old woman- as old as Aleyamma teaacher, who gave them Malayalam lessons. It had taken the whole of earth woman’s life for the earth to become what it was. For the oceans to part. For the mountains to rise. The earth woman was 11 yrs old when the first single celled organisms appeared. The first animals, creatures like worms and jellyfish, appeared only when she was forty. She was over forty five - just 8 months ago - when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The whole of human civilization as we know it, began only 2 hrs ago in the earth woman’s life…”