“It's the face the world sees, the one you can change as many times as you want”
“With one kind gesture you can change a life. One person at a time you can change the world. One day at a time we can change everything.”
“If you want to change the way that the world appears to be; you must change the way that you see everything in it. And if you want to change the world; you must change the way everyone else sees everything in it. And when everyone else sees everything in the world in a new way, the world will be changed and then mankind will turn their faces to the heavens in search of a brand new vision and then it will be able to see the heavens for what the heavens really are! That being because, in order for a person to change how he sees the world, he must first change the eyes of his soul and it is with those new eyes that man can look at the sun, that man can see the heavens, that man can know God. Then it is with these newfound truths that humanity will continue to live, but living by walking in a new reality.”
“So many things happen that we can't control, its best not to worry about what we can. Believing you can change the world has a terrible effect on one's ego.”
“With total knowledge and love for one self you can accomplish anything. With total knowledge and love for all you can change the world. In order to change the world you must first make the change you want within yourself. When you begin to change your out look to a positive one, you will make everything around you positive.”
“When time passes, it's the people who knew you whom you want to see; they're the ones you can talk to. When enough time passes, what's it matter what they did to you?”