“Link says if a girl says not to get her a birthday present that means get me a birthday present and make sure it’s jewelry.”
“If a girl says not to get her a birthday present that means get me a birthday present and make sure it's jewelry.”
“A clone would make a great birthday gift, because it’s the only gift that keeps on giving. At least it’d better give me a birthday present every year. It owes its life to me.”
“Inspiration is very nice when you get it. It's like being given a present you weren't expecting. You don't hand the present back and say, 'My birthday's not till November.' You take it and run.”
“Hearing him say it now, that is was my birthday present, touched me in the last place I wanted him to touch me. My heart.”
“My father always says one thing leads to another. It certainly does. I started out to buy a friend a birthday present, and I end up trying to get a factory to go with it....”