“As Dougal ushered them into the dining room, he wondered if Sophia's father and her grandfather would both wish to stay at MacFarlane House with them.But as he looked into Sophia's smiling eyes, he realized it didn't matter. So long as she was by his side, life would be a grand adventure.And no man could ask for more.”

Karen Hawkins

Karen Hawkins - “As Dougal ushered them into the dining...” 1

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“Jack! Pray tell Miss MacFarlane that the roads are impassable.""The roads are impassable," he replied immediately."And that she should stay at least another day.""You should stay at least another day," he repeated, a twinkle in his eyes.Fiona nodded. "And that she is more then welcome here.""I am certain she knows that.""And how we'd love to have her for another week, at least,and-"Jack laughed and took his wife's hand. "Fiona, my love, I believe Miss MacFarlane is very aware that we both wish her to stay."Sophia had to smile. "I am very flattered, but we really must go. There've been so many unexpected storms that the roads could easily get worse."Jack snorted a laugh while Fiona glanced up the stairs. "Haven't there been," she said grimly before returning to gaze at Sophia. "I am so disappointed you are leaving."There was genuine warmth in Fiona's voice. "I am, too,but I must get back to my father, who has been ill. I was only to be gone one day, and he'll worry if I don't return immediately.""I suppose you can't-""She's not going anywhere."Sophia closed her eyes at the deep voice from the top of the stairs. Her enitre body had tightened at the sound, traitor that it was.Dougal came down the stairs to stand before Sophia, his expressioin guarded and tense. "Fiona,Jack, would you mind giving me a few moments' private speech with Miss MacFarlane?""Will you attempt to persuade her to stay?" Fiona asked in a hopeful tone."Absolutely." His dark gaze never left Sophia."Very well," his sister said, taking her husband's arm. "Come,Jack. I'm famished."He sent a stern glance at Dougal. "We will be in the breakfast room if we're needed.""You won't be needed," Dougal snapped."Jack,stop it," Fiona hissed. She tugged him into the breakfast room and closed the door.”

Karen Hawkins
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“I've asked Sophia to stay for the night, and she has agreed."Stay? In the same house he was staying in? It had been pure hell trying to sleep before, but now, knowing she was there, under the same roof, her lush body-"No." The word was torn from him.Fiona's gaze narrowed. "Dougal, this is my house-""And mine," Jack added flatly.Dougal sent him a cutting glare.Fiona sniffed. "If I wish Miss MacFarlane to stay,she'll stay."Sophia lifted her chin. "I'm sorry you're averse to my visit, but I've already accepted your sister's kind invitation.Dougal's jaw clenched. If she stayed, he might not be able to let her go. Damn it all,this was not fair!Outside, the gray sky began to darken again, a rumble of thunder sounding in the distance.Sophia glanced out the window, her face paling yet more."Not again," Jack muttered. "We're going to float away.""Dougal," his sister snapped, "watch your temper!""I am," he said through gritted teeth.”

Karen Hawkins
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“He dropped to one knee before her. "Sophia MacFarlane, though I've been every sort of fool there is, and though I've stolen from you and lied to you, as you've stolen from me and lied to me, will you please marry me? To keep me out of trouble, if nothing else."She gave a hiccup of a laugh, her eyes moist with tears. "Only if you, Dougal MacLean, will have me. After all I did to save MacFarlane House, I now realize that without people in it, the people I love, it's nothing more than an empty building. My home is with you, inside your heart."Dougal swept Sophia into his arms and kissed her thoroughly. Then, laughing, he set her back on her feet. "Come, my love, let's find my sister. She spent a good part of the afternoon telling me what a fool I was.I have to show her that she was wrong.""And you need my help to do that?""It would be a great boon if you'd cling to my arm and look absurdly happy."Sophia chuckled. "I think I can manage that."It was a noisy, contentious group that moved down the hall, as the earl and Red continued to snipe at each other, and Sir Reginald felt he needed to explain his improper embrace with Sophia even though everyone attempted to dissaude him.”

Karen Hawkins
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“Perhaps you met my mother-she and I look very similar. She and my father traveled quite a bit before I was born.""That's possible,I suppose," he said, as if not enitrely convinced."Sir Reginald." Dougal broke in on their conversation, entirely against common etiquette. "Perhaps you mistake Miss MacFarlane with a dream." He let his gaze linger over her in a similar fashion. "I often do."Sophia's face burned. Fiona choked on her wine, and Jack patted her back, glaring at Dougal. The judge let out a snort of laughter, while Mrs. Kent sent dagger glances at Sophia, and Miss Stanton, oblivious to it all, asked for the salt.”

Karen Hawkins
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“There's no more jam to be had.""Or bread?" Dougal asked, knowing what the answer would be."Nor bread," Angus said with a smirk.Dougal flicked his hand in the butler's direction. "Then you may go."Angus's smile faded, and he glared at Dougal until Sophia said softly, "Angus, that will be all."The buter scowled but obediently tromped from the room."He loves me," Dougal said simply.Sophia's lips twitched. "I doubt that.""No,no,I'm certain of it.He's constantly staring at me and cannot seem to stay away.But the most telling symptom is the way he gets upset when I pay attention to another woman.”

Karen Hawkins
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