“Still, it was up to her to lure her victim to the rocky shore of loss by appealing to his vanity and challenging his manly pride.She smiled at herself in the mirror. "It isn't perfect, but 'twill have to do.""Och,miss! Ye look as pretty as a princess." Mary opened the door and stood to one side. "Careful going down the stairs; yer pa pried up a board in the third step.""On the steps? Someone could get injured.""So he's hopin'."Sophia frowned. "I'll have Angus fix it. I want MacLean to hate the house, not die in it.""Men never think,miss. 'Tis a sad fact 'o life.""Tell me about it," Sophia muttered. "Wish me luck. I've heard a lot about MacLean,none of it good.”

Karen Hawkins

Karen Hawkins - “Still, it was up to her to lure her...” 1

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