“What's the matter, MacLean? Are you afraid?"His brows snapped down, his eyes glinting dangerously. "What did you say?"She lifted her chin. "I asked if you were afraid. If that is why you're sneaking out like a thief in the night?""It's morning,and I'm no thief.""No,but you are afraid,aren't you? Afraid of me." Dougal's expression darkened even more. "You don't know what you're saying.""Yes,I do." She leaned close to say dismissively, "You are afraid of what our card games might cause you to lose."Dougal's body tensed at the words, making Poseidon jolt forward. How dare she accuse him of being afraid? The thought of it raged through him.Yet in the back of his mind, a small voice whispered, She's right. You are afraid of what you'll lose, only it's not about the house. It's about your self-control.Dougal slung himself down from the horse and faced Sophia. She refused to back away but stood her ground so that he was but a few inches from her.She glared at him. "I saw your face last night. You want me, MacLean. Admit it. You're afraid I'll offer myself for the house, and you won't be able to resist it.And then..." She smiled smugly. "And the you'll lose.”

Karen Hawkins

Karen Hawkins - “What's the matter, MacLean? Are you...” 1

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