“-I'm going to kill the kid. - Barrons says faintly.Ryodan makes a burbling sound like a bodly laught. -Get in line”
“I hear a guttural sound followed by a weak sigh and look back at the bodies. "I'm going to kill the kid," Barrons says faintly. Ryodan makes a burbling sound like a bloody laugh. I don't think he even has the parts left to laugh with. "Get in line.”
“I'm going out,” I said.I loved the way that sounded. It was just like what the heroes say in war movies right before they hurl themselves out of the plane. I felt like I should wink and say something like, “See you around, guys” and be really cool about it – but who was I kidding? I wasn't cool. I'd just sound like an idiot.”
“When kids make gross face,parents say, "One dayyour face is going to stick like that."I'm afraid that one daymy panic's going to stickand it's going to be my entire life,every second,and there will be nothing else.”
“There's some comfort in saying, I'm joining this long line of humanity. We're all going to get in line and our parents will die and our friends will die but I'm in the line with you and you're in it with me and, for some reason, if we're in it together, it's better than doing it alone. That's why music is always going to save us.”
“But once that string gets cut, kid, you can't uncut it. Do you get what I'm saying?”