“1.Ghost hunting2.Target practice: rifles and handguns3.Rock collecting 4.Photography-south Carolina wildlife5.Soap making6.Fencing 7.Belly dancing8.Tie dying9.Dog agility course training10.Crawdad racing11.Bull riding 12.Worm collecting”
“[A]nother thing about myths: they gather in and circumscribe their target audience. They make a collection into a collective.”
“Say what you will about the south, but in North Carolina a hot dog is free to swing anyway it wishes.”
“Normal people have rock collections, shell collections, key ring collections and stamp collections. (The Captain had even known somebody with a letterbox collection.) But a people collection? That had to be the most bizarre one he'd come across. Not to mention the most unethical.”
“As if this collection of things is what she is. So we fall in love with ghosts.”
“In nature, the bird who gets up earliest catches the most worms, but in book collecting the prizes fall to birds who know worms when they see them.”