“They both fought to catch their breath, though Megan's oxygen deprivation had nothing to do with the game."You okay?" Finn asked."Yeah, you?" she replied. Every inch of her body was throbbing to touch him again."Yeah," he replied with a huge grin. He pushed himself around and got on all fours in front of her, pausing there with his face inches from hers. "I'm glad you stayed," he whispered, his breath warm on her face.Megan somehow managed to reply. "Me too."Then Finn pushed himself up and headed back toward the centre of the yard. For a moment, Megan couldn't move. Then Doug walked over and offered his arm. Megan grasped it thankfully and he yanked up to her shaky legs."Who's all in a twist now?" he asked with a smirk.Megan laughed and shoved him from behind as they headed back to the line.”

Kate Brian

Kate Brian - “They both fought to catch their breath...” 1

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