“I intended lilies, said the magician. but in the clutches of a desparate desire to do something extraordinary, I called down a greater magic and inadvertently caused you a profound harm. I will now try to undo what I have done.”
“I intended only lilies. That was my intention: a bouquet of lilies. - The Magician”
“Truly, I did not intend to harm you, he said. That was never my intention.”
“I have done more harm by the falseness of trying to please than by the honesty of trying to hurt.”
“I (John Stone) have never had any great desire to abolish poverty or save fallen women; I am, and always have been, deeply suspicious of those who wish to do these things. They normally cause more harm than good and, in my experience, their desire for power, to control others, is very much greater than that of any businessman. p 455 Stone's Fall”
“My choice is what I choose to do, and if I'm causing no harm, it shouldnt bother you. Your choice is who you choose to be, and if you're causing no harm, it shouldn't bother me.”