“What if . . . you come to the wild and discover that it is not wild at all? What if half the world is here before you?”
“And beyond the Wild Wood again?' he asked. 'Where it's all blue and dim and one sees what may be hills or perhaps they mayn't and something like the smoke of towns or is it only cloud drift.' 'Beyond the Wild Wood comes the Wild World,' said the Rat. 'And that's something the doesn't matter either to you or me.”
“Beyond the Wild Wood comes the Wild World," said the Rat. "And that's something that doesn't matter, either to you or to me. I've never been there, and I'm never going, nor you either, if you've got any sense at all.”
“If you feel the urge, don't be afraid to go on a wild goose chase. What do you think wild geese are for anyway?”
“Come here, wild thing,” -Nick Allegrezza”
“What if someone comes?" I half-heartedly protest. "No one's coming here but you.”