“Let me explain: There are all sorts of reasons why women pick one colorist over another. Some will go to you if you have the same kind of dog or because they like the way you look. Some will only go to a man, because they want to feel a man’s hands on them. Then, of course, you have the editorial mongrels, who will go only to whoever is in this month’s Elle or Allure. But no matter what brings them to you in the first place, they’ll drop you cold if you’re not a good colorist. Which means no mistakes. Not ever. Brain surgeons are allowed more mistakes than hair colorists. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that what I do is brain surgery or in any way important. Between you and me, it’s just hair. But a certain kind of woman cares about her hair. A lot.”

Kathleen Flynn-Hui

Kathleen Flynn-Hui - “Let me explain: There are all...” 1

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