“Trevor gave a long-suffering groan. “I’m going to be on myhands and knees, aren’t I?”Nipping the other man’s lower lip, Pete growled, “You’ll bewhere I put you.”
“To you.” He kissed her mouth, then nipped her lower lip lightly. “With you, for you. In you.”
“Babe, tell me right now you aren’t fuckin’ with me.”“I’m kind of fucking with you in the hopes that you’ll return the favour,” I replied.”
“The only one taking a risk here is me, if I get too attached to you.It’s not risky for you, as long as you’re not confused either.”“I’m not.”“Of course you aren’t.” A small smile played on Balthazar’s lips.”
“You’re just begging for a piece of me, you know that?” she growled. “I don’t know what gave you the idea I've lowered my standards, but I assure you, I haven’t. I want no part of you.”
“If I have to tell you everyday for fifty years how unbelievably perfect you are for you to believe it, I will. I'll start now; you're perfect."He nipped at her lower lip. "You're perfect." He kissed one side of her neck. "You're perfect." He kissed the other side. "Oh and by the way, you're perfect."~Slade”