“My life used to be boring. A damnation here, a curse there, with an occasional blight or two to break routine. Now I have Aisling...She's better than reality TV, Internet porn sites, and the trashloids all put together.' - Jim”
“The internet, where everything is free except porn sites.”
“TV cookery is very like internet porn - the overwhelming majority of its audience will never ever get to act out what's happening on screen.”
“I'm bored," he says."So go home.""I don't want to. What do you do when you're bored? You don't have Internet or TV. Do you just sit around all day and think about how hot I am?”
“If you're Microsoft, you can prevent a porn site using microsoft.xxx. Although that would be ironic since micro and soft probably aren't at the forefront of desirable concepts when you're looking for porn.”
“Luce,' she says, 'I don't want my diary entry tomorrow to be: Stayed out all night. Went to prison. I have this urge to go home and watch TV with my parents and be completely boring.”