“So, you actually cooked tonight?" He regards me skeptically. I snort. Because snorting is attractive.”
“He snorted into his radicchio, which I admired because it was a pretty purple. The radicchio was purple, not his snort. Just in case you got confused there. I don't think it's possible for people to snort colors. We're not unicorns, after all.”
“Em and I don't giggle but we sort of snort, so we snorted.”
“So I flirt with disaster once or twice. Who doesn’t?”He snorted. “You don’t just flirt with disaster, you have intercourse with it.”
“So do you remember this place?" "Hard to forget." he snorted. "This is where you tried to kill me. You were so nervous, you kept blushing. Never had someone try to stake me who blushed so much.”
“Because late night, when I made you mine—”“Shush. You didn’t!”“All right. Last night when you made me yours—”She definitely heard Pom snort.”