“Great," Lee sighed, side-stepping through. "Just when I thought I'd gotten out of wandering through the creepy graveyard, you find another way."Smiling as he followed her through, he assured her, "Don't worry, I'm a professional." He seemed to find her nervousness amusing."And just so you know," she grumbled, "this absolutely does not count as our date."He burst out laughing. "That's too bad. Now I'll have to make other plans. How do you feel about abandoned insane asylums?”
“We can take it slow," he said. "You can learn to be with me. Find out what I'm all about. You never know, you might like what you find.""Don't hold your breath," she said.He stepped toward her casually, amusement flickering around his lips. She tensed, her eyes checking for a way to run."Or..." His hand lashed out, grabbed her, and whipped her into his arms, where he held her tight. "We can take it fast and rough.”
“Aren't you worried I'll escape?"He reached out, grabbed her wrist and brought her hand to his crotch. Then he smiled. "No. I"m not worried, honey. You seem to know what side your bread is buttered on."~Tommy aka "Ender”
“He gave her a sly, sideways look. "Did youbring it?""My list? Heavens, no. What can you be thinking?"His smile widened. "I brought mine."Daphne gasped. "You didn't!""I did. Just to torture Mother. I'm going peruse it right in front of her, pull out my quizzing glass—""You don't have a quizzing glass."He grinned—the slow, devastatingly wicked smile that all Bridgerton males seemed to possess. "I bought one just for this occasion.""Anthony, you absolutely cannot. She will kill you. And then, somehow, she'll find a way to blame me.""I'm counting on it.”
“He shrugged. "I was...thinking.""About what?""The fires of purgatory."She had to sit down. He wasn't making any sense now. "What does that mean?" she asked."Patrick told me he would walk through the fires of purgatory if he had to in order to please his wife."She went over to the bed and sat down on the side. "And?" she prodded when he didn't continue.He stripped out of his clothing and walked over to her. He pulled her to her feet and stared down to her."And I have only just realized I would do the same for you.”
“He dipped his head, placing his mouth to the space below her ear. He nipped her there, just a tiny bite that sent a wave of heat through her veins. And then his lips moved lower, leaving a hot trail behind. “You drive me insane, absolutely freaking insane. Do you know that? I bet you do.”