“I finally tracked down Derek. He was alone in the library, thumbing through a book."Found you." I said on a sigh of relief.He turned. His lips curved in a quarter smile, gaze softening in a way that did something to my insides, made me pull up short, momentarily forgetting why I was there."I-Is Simon around?"He blinked, then turned back to the shelf."He's upstairs. He's really pissed about Andrew so that's probably that safest place for him until we're ready to go, or he'll say something to him we don't want said. You need him?""Actually, m-maybe I should show you first." He glanced over his shoulder, frowning."We found something."" Oh." He paused, like he was mentally shifting gears, then nodded and followed me out.”

Kelley Armstrong

Kelley Armstrong - “I finally tracked down Derek. He was...” 1

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