“The Fates teleported me to the ascended angels staff lounge. It wasn't called that, naturally. We weren't staff. This wasn't a job. It was a calling. An honor. A noble mission. Bullshit.”
“Still the hottest angel I know," he murmured."It's beyond me how you're still on staff.”
“The true mission of the violin is to imitate the accents of the human voice, a noble mission that has earned for the violin the glory of being called the king of instruments”
“A chief of staff's job is to keep bad things from happening and then accept full responsibility when they do.”
“Our relationship wasn't the sun, the moon, the stars, but it wasn't bullshit, either.”
“They are saying that if life has a structure, a staff, a sensible scaffold, we hang our nonsense on it. And they are saying that broken parts add color and music to the staff of life.”