“The secretary moved in to block Simon as I followed Thierry into the office. As the door closed, I heard her whisper, "I think it's very sweet, you sticking up for your brother like that.""I'm not trying to be sweet," Simon said, raising his voice so Thierry could hear. "I'm trying to be fair. But apparently no one's interested in that.”
“This time Clary concentrated, trying to focus her mind on Simon-The Simon-ness of him, the shape of the way he thought, the feeling of hearing his voice, the sence of him close. His whispers, his secrets, the way he made her laugh.'So', she thought conversationally, 'now that I'm in your mind, wnat to see some naked mental pictures of Jace?'Simon jumped. "I heard that! And, no.”
“Simon!" Clary shouted, and seized his arm. "What?" Simon looked alarmed."I'm not really sleeping with your mom, you know. I was just trying to get your attention. Not that your mom isn't a very attractive woman, for her age.”
“Colin's chuckles grew more heartfelt. "You really ought to have more faith in your favorite brother, dear sis.""He’s your favorite brother?" Simon asked, one dark brow raised in disbelief."Only because Gregory put a toad in my bed last night," Daphne bit off, "and Benedict's standing has never recovered from the time he beheaded my favorite doll.""Makes me wonder what Anthony's done to deny him even an honorable mention," Colin murmured."Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Daphne asked pointedly.Colin shrugged. "Not really.""Didn't," she asked through clenched teeth, "you just tell me you promised a dance to Prudence Featherington?""Gads, no. You must have misheard.""Perhaps Mother is looking for you, then. In fact, I'm certain I hear her calling your name."Colin grinned at her discomfort. "You're not supposed to be so obvious," he said in a stage whisper, purposely loud enough for Simon to hear. "He'll figure out that you like him."Simon's entire body jerked with barely contained mirth."It's not his company I'm trying to secure," Daphne said acidly. "It's yours I'm trying to avoid."Colin clapped a hand over his heart. "You wound me, Daff." He turned to Simon. "Oh, how she wounds me.""You missed your calling, Bridgerton," Simon said genially. "You should have been on the stage.""An interesting idea," Colin replied, "but one that would surely give my mother the vapors." His eyes lit up. "Now that's an idea. And just when the party was growing tedious. Good eve to you both." He executed a smart bow and walked off.”
“He's not in a very good mood," said Luke, pausing in front of a closed door. "I shut him up in Freaky Pete's office after he nearly killed half my pack with his bare hands. He wouldn't talk to me, so"—Luke shrugged—"I thought of you." He looked from Clary's baffled face to Simon's. "What?""I can't believe he came here," Clary said."I can't believe you know someone named Freaky Pete," said Simon."I know a lot of people," said Luke. "Not that Freaky Pete is strictly people, but I'm hardly one to talk.”
“Did somebody whisper something? I look left then right. Uh oh. I think I'm hearing voices now. Not, I AM hearing voices I THINK I'm hearing voices. Okay not voices, just a voice. Is thinking you heard it better or worse than knowning you heard it? Does the distinction matter?”