“The three "F"s of being a werewolf, Feeding, Fighting, and...Reproduction”
“Another werewolf thing. Like most animals, we spent a large part of our lives engaged in the three Fs of basic survival. Feeding, fighting and... reproduction.”
“She forgot the three F's," Julia whispered to Sara Moulton: "Feed 'em, fuck 'em, and flatter 'em.”
“I cursed. (S-word, f-word, s-word, d-word, s-word times three, f-word, and a z-word I made up on the spot.) I kicked a brick wall. I said the z-word again in response to the pain that came from kicking a brick wall.”
“F@#$ing F#$%s things up”
“Fighting for peace, is like f***ing for chastity”