“I make it a policy not to second-guess my instincts. Life's more fun that way.~Train Heartnet”
“Oh I get it...You're looking for the quickest way to the hospital, huh?~Train Heartnet”
“i've come to deliver some bad luck -train heartnet”
“In the same way that I tend to make up my mind about people within thirty seconds of meeting them, I also make up my mind about whether a business proposal excites me within about thirty seconds of looking at it. I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.”
“The best thing we can do for the dead is to do their share of living with a smile. ~Train Heartnet”
“Good to see a youngster who appreciates the importance of being......Well Armed. But...That's not how we play TAG......Where I come from.~Train Heartnet”