“Oberon Atticus "Gods below, I think you're right. Quick, to the Geekmobile!”
“Oberon "Holy revelations Druidman! She's on to us!" Atticus "Gods below, I think you're right! Quick, to the Geekmobile!”
“Atticus "three kinds of cat shit, Oberon."Oberon "and an arrogant family of squirrels.”
“Atticus "What's this religion going to be called?" Oberon "Poochism"A:"and the name of this holy writ I will be typing for you?"O:"The dead flea scrolls: A Sirius Prophecy.”
“Atticus, you must be wrong." "How's that?" "Well, most folks seem to think they're right and you're wrong. . ." "They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions," said Atticus, "but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.”
“this is weird, I feel like I should be telling you a story right now." Oberon”