“I hit your thigh!”“Oh, please. A man doesn’t need that long to recover from a knee to the thigh.”
“He gave a dark chuckle. “But you’re not, so you had absolutely no qualms about kneeing me in the groin, right?”“I hit your thigh!”“Oh, please. A man doesn’t need that long to recover from a knee to the thigh,” he replied, his voice full of skepticism.”
“Your thighs are appletrees. Your knees are a southern breeze.”
“Your thighs are apple trees. Your knees are the southern breeze.”
“My beauty doesn’t lie between my thighs.”
“You’re a complication I don’t need.” He followed, placed his hands on each side of her head, and planted his knee between her thighs. “But you’re a complication I want. One I’m going to have.”