“Myth: Vampires have huge stockpiles of gold and treasure.Truth: If that were true, I'd be able to get my dad to actually buy me a car. ”
“It appeared that spending my formative years getting smacked around by my dad may have earned me the privileged of getting smacked around by a bunch of vampires.”
“Myth: Vampires have the power to charm people.Truth: Kinda depends on the vampire if you ask me. ”
“They have me singing in a reformatory. My singing would be enough to get me in, but I'd never be able to sing my way out.”
“I'd witnessed for the first time in my vampire- obsessed existence an actual vampire bite. The only problem was that it wasn't my neck being bitten.”
“It's like banging my head against the wall, except if I were actually banging my head on a wall, I'd be able to make myself stop.”