“I didn’t think you’d allow me to attend. (Emily)I’m a beast, Emily, not a bastard. (Draven)”
“Do you know what a friend is, milord? (Emily)An enemy in disguise. (Draven)”
“But my father’s is closest. (Emily)A wounded hawk doesn’t bed down in a fox’s den. (Draven)”
“I should be mortified, I know. But Alys is a good friend to me, and though she has her faults, she has a good and generous heart.(Emily)And is that all that matters to you? (Draven)Aye. People will always make mistakes, but in the end ‘tis their heart that matters most. (Emily)”
“I have to admit that Emily is a cute kid, and I instantly understand why Ronnie has written me so many letters about his daughter-why he loves her so much. I start to think about having children with Nikki someday and I become so happy that I give little Emily a kiss on the forehead, as if she were Nikki's baby and I was her father. And then I kiss Emily's forehead again and again, until she giggles.”
“She kept me from living in back alleys and going back to drugs. I paid her back, but I owed her a lot more than the money. Emily saved my life.” Buck Jamison in Goodbye Emily”