“She glanced up from his lips to those dark eyes that smoldered with his fire. She remembered now what they had looked like as she'd seen him before Morgen had entered his world. "Your eyes used to be blue.""That was a long time ago."-Seren to Kerrigan”
In this quote from Kinley MacGregor's novel, we see Seren reflecting on Kerrigan's eyes, which used to be blue but are now dark and smoldering with fire. This exchange between them highlights the passage of time and the changes that have taken place in their lives. It also underscores the intensity of Kerrigan's emotions and the impact they have had on both of them. The shift in Kerrigan's eyes symbolizes a transformation in his character, possibly indicating a deeper, more intense persona than before. This moment between Seren and Kerrigan serves as a poignant reminder of their shared history and the emotional complexities that characterize their relationship.
In this quote from Kinley MacGregor's novel, the changing appearance of a character's eyes symbolizes the passage of time and personal growth. Just as Kerrigan's eyes have changed from blue to dark, people may undergo transformations in their lives that alter their outward appearance and inner selves. This serves as a reminder that change is a natural part of life and can lead to new experiences and perspectives.
“She glanced up from his lips to those dark eyes that smoldered with his fire. She remembered now what they had looked like as she'd seen him before Morgen had entered his world. "Your eyes used to be blue." "That was a long time ago." - Seren to Kerrigan” - Kinley MacGregor"
As you reflect on this excerpt from Kinley MacGregor's novel, consider the following questions:
“I had never seen eyes like his. Dark green. Smoldering. Ready to undress a woman with a single glance.”
“A look came into his dark eyes, a new expression she could'nt decipher. He stroked her lips with his thumb and stared at her like he had never seen her before.”
“if she thought she'd seen his eyes burn before, it was nothing compared to what they were doing now. Frost had never been so hot.”
“She had seen those eyes dark with brooding anger and cold as ice, she'd seen his gaze veiled like a spiderweb and shattering like a gate under pressure. But she'd never seen them as they were now. Full of wondering joy and disbelief, and an almost frightened awe.”
“It was when she returned to him, chilled & clearheaded, that it happened. He sat against the tree, his knees bent & his head in his hands. His shoulders slumped. Tired, unhappy. Something tender caught in her breath at the sight of him. And then he raised his eyes and looked at her, and she saw what she had not seen before. She gasped.His eyes were beautiful. His face was beautiful to her in every way, and his shoulders and hands. And his arms that hung over his knees, and his chest that was not moving, because he held his breath as he watched her. And the heart in his chest. This friend. How had she not seen this before? How had she not seen him? She was blind. And then tears choked her eyes, for she had not asked for this. She had not asked for this beautiful man before her, with something hopeful in his eyes that she did not want.”