“Tis the will of Our Savior that we should find you a spouse. (Henry)’Tis the will of Lucifer that you should torment me until the day he can take over. (Sin)”
“Tis what marriage is all about, madam," he said. "Have you not realized it? 'Tis about discovering unknown facets of the character and experience and taste of one's spouse and learning to adjust one's life accordingly. 'Tis learning to hope that one's spouse is doing the same thing.”
“Why should I say ‘Tis too soon to seek for heaven and think of death’? A flower may fade before ‘Tis noon and I this day may lose my breath.”
“Why should we rise because 'tis light? Did we lie down because t'was night?”
“Tis the gift to be gentle, ’tis the gift to be fair,’Tis the gift to wake and breathe the morning air,To walk every day in the path that we choose,Is the gift that we pray we will never never lose.”
“That he's mad, 'tis true,'tis true 'tis pity,And pity 'tis, 'tis true—a foolish figure,”