“I still don’t see why we couldn’t sleep in that cave,” Mari said as MacRieve led her out into the night.“Because my cave’s better than their cave.”
“I could see everything she said as if it were a wall painting inside the cave of my own skull.”
“Don’t you see?” I said. “He could change every detail, but he couldn’t change her.” “But why?” His obtuseness frustrated me. “Because he was in love with her!” I said. “Because, to him, she was the only thing that was real.”
“And how long did you have to starve in a cave to come to that conclusion?" I ask, sorry about the way my voice sounded much snottier than intended. It's not his fault I find myself here. Still, when Paloma said I'd have to change my diet in order to purify myself, I didn't realize that meant fasting in a dark, abandoned cave until I pass out.”
“Tribe cats are named after the first thing their mother sees, but I thing this would lead to a lot of kits being named 'wall of cave', 'side of cave' and 'floor of cave”
“I thought you had better sense than to get involved with a human.” Sam Kleon - Men of the Cave”